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CSA Farm Shares

Back to Our Roots!

Launching our brand new
CSA Farm Shares.

Fifteen years in the making.

A Share for Everyone.
  • New this year, pick up your Farm Share any day/time that we're open! No need to choose a specific pickup day.

  • We will be asking our Farm Share Members to check in with our Staff at the end of your shopping experience to record that you've picked up your Share, track the produce you have chosen, and provide you with ability to purchase additional items.

  • Tracking your produce helps us know what it is our Farm Share Members most enjoy, which in turn, helps us to plan upcoming seasons. It also helps us to be more organized so we can serve you better.

  • The majority of your crop choices will be grown at White Barn Farm.  

  • We have the ability to adjust or substitute items from other organic local farms in the case of crop loss, seasonal demand, poor weather, etc.


For More Information

Wondering what is in a Share? Check out our Weekly Blog.
View our Exclusive CSA Farm Share Member Benefits
What is a CSA?

What is a CSA?

A CSA is Community Supported Agriculture.  It is an economic model that creates a direct link between a farm and its supporters.  Basically each supporter buys a share of the farm before the season begins.  This allows the farmers to purchase seeds, supplies, and to work on the infrastructure to grow the farm.  We design a crop plan to provide a certain value of fresh, seasonal vegetables every week of the season and arrange for the shareholders to pick up their share once a week.

With our Farmstand Card, supporters purchase a debit card and come to the farmstand to buy what they want, when they want it.

Who should join a CSA?

The produce provided will be seasonal and varied,  including vegetables you may have never tried before.  Members should thrive on variety and take inspiration from the beauty and freshness of the selection each week.  The farmers at White Barn Farm love to eat and cook and will give you ideas for using the veggies.  If you don't think you can use a whole share or if you are a family of picky eaters, probably buying a Farmstand CSA Card is a better choice. Many skeptical CSA members have found themselves and especially their kids turned onto new vegetables or even just fresh versions of the familiar grocery store versions. At White Barn Farm CSA we are hoping to match your expectations with the experience to develop a band of happy customers.

How do I prepare to be a CSA Member?

If you are game for eating with the seasons, get ready for some delicious results.  You should be prepared to be cutting up more veggies - you are sure to appreciate a great knife and large cutting board.  A salad spinner is terrific for washing your lettuces and greens and keeping in your fridge ready to throw together in a salad or sneak into a BLT.  You will probably find yourself dining out less since you have such good food at home already - your wallet and waistline are sure to thank you.  Eating more vegetarian entrees is also likely; fresh produce lends itself so easily to a quick pasta or stir-fry.  We encourage you to be realistic with your time and energy, but we feel confident that preparing our produce will be a joyful and rewarding experience you will consider time well-spent.

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