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Winter Produce & Provisions Share 2021: Week 1

January 6 & 9


Pick up is Wednesday 12 - 5 or Saturday 9 - 2

Pick up on the Barn side of the road. The Barn is located at the end of the driveway at 458 South St., Wrentham, MA

In this Week's Share:


Purple top turnips

Rainbow carrots

1lb Onions


Pea tendrils

Provision: Original Hummus

Add Ons: Ciabatta*, 2 cuts Beef, Atwell's Gold, dozen Eggs,

Gold Oyster Mushrooms.

*Due to a holiday ordering issue we are not sure how the Ciabatta will come, it may be square or a long loaf.

And the Online Market is open for additions to your share.

The shares will be pre-boxed, we will not be able to accommodate any substitutions.

See pick up details below. 

Sometimes the share may change at the last minute due to availability.


Questions? Check out our Share FAQ


Pick up Procedures for the Winter Produce & Provisions Share

  • Pick up will be on the barn side of the street. At the end of the driveway at 458 South St., Wrentham.

  • Pick up on your scheduled day any time. Wed 12 - 5 or Sat 9 - 2

  • Text us when you arrive. 774-307-3315

  • Tell the farmstand staff member your name so we can check it off.

  • Tell the farmstand staff member which share(s) you are picking up: vegetable, bread, cheese, mushroom, egg, beef.

  • We will have tables out at least 6 feet apart when you arrive.

  • We will have your pre-boxed vegetable share on the table and will pack any additional shares for you while you wait.

  • You may take a box when the staff member steps away. 

  • Our staff will be wearing masks. We would appreciate it if you do too.

  • Please mind your distance from others and staff. We are required to maintain a 6' distance.


Due to the current public health crisis, all of our plans are fluid. We may have to change this plan if we feel it is not keeping people safe. 

Pick up is Wednesday from 12 - 5 or Saturday from 9 - 2

Thank you so much for support!

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